انضم الآن

مرافق جيمنيشن ميجا مول للرجال

المرافق المتاحة في جيم ميغا مول للرجال

نحن هنا لمساعدة جميع أعضائنا على الشعور بالإيجابية والتحفيز والمزاج المثالي للتمرين. لهذا السبب فإن جميع صالاتنا الرياضية مشرقة وواسعة وتتميز بأجواء مريحة وممتعة، لذلك عندما تأتي إلى الصالة تشعر بالراحة والترحيب.

**عرض خاص** عضويات تبدأ من 99 درهماً إماراتياً/شهر

انضم الآن

معدات النادي الرياضي

لدينا في جيمنيشن القوز أحدث معدات التدريب من ماتريكس التي ستساعدك على ضخ الدم واستعراض عضلاتك.


نعدك بأن نقدم لك أفضل جيم رجالي في ميغا مول الشارقة، حيث ستجد ما لا يقل عن 500 قطعة من معدات تمارين الكارديو والقوة عالية المواصفات والأوزان الحرة التي يصل وزنها إلى 60 كجم.

Gymnation Mega Mall Mens Free Weights


In addition to our extensive range of equipment, you'll find Abu Dhabi's largest group exercise studios including a dedicated spinning studio. Our studios offer a range of classes including Les Mills and other popular classes such as Les Mills BODYPUMP, BODYATTACK, BODYBALANCE, GRIT, BOLLYWOOD DANCE and many more. For more details please visit our CLASSES page. Our studios are all fitted with the state of the art sound systems to pump out inspirational and energizing music. We even provide a dedicated VIRTUAL studio where you can do classes on demand delivered over our high-tech screen with a virtual instructor.

Gymnation Mega Mall Mens Lifting Platforms


We offer a comprehensive ladies only section which is accessible directly from the ladies changing room. Our ladies only gym has an extensive range of cardio, strength and free weight equipment. In addition to our ladies only gym, our virtual studio doubles up as a ladies only gym at certain times of day, allowing our female members to do instructor-led and virtual classes in the company of other like-minded ladies.

Gymnation Mega Mall Mens Changing Room


Our gym has large men's and ladies' showers and changing rooms which you can use as much as you like. Our changing rooms offer the following facilities; showers, toilets, secure lockers, vanity counters and hairdryers. Our changing rooms are bright and spacious and are cleaned throughout the day at regular intervals to ensure the highest levels of cleanliness.

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We all forget bits of our kit from time to time. So if you left your towel at home, your padlock, or feel a bit peckish after your workout, head to our vending machines where you’ll find:

• Towels
• Padlocks
• Snacks
• Energy drinks
• Water

Vending Machine 1


Our reception is staffed at all times with a member of our team who will be glad to help with any of your queries. To enter the gym you simply go through our entry gates – all you need is to scan the QR code in your GymNation App!



Whatever time of the night or day you wish to work out you'll be safe and sound at GYMNATION. Our gym is monitored by CCTV 24hrs 7 days a week and there is always a security and health and safety qualified member of staff on site. There is a code of conduct all members must adhere too, so please make sure you've read our rules.



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