انضم الآن
Whatsapp Image 2024 09 18 At 16.27.26

تفاصيل التحدي

Run 01


3 دقائق: أبعد مسافة ممكنة

Sled Push 02

جهاز التزلج

3 دقائق: أبعد مسافة ممكنة

Skierg 03

دفع الزلاجة

3 دقائق: أبعد مسافة ممكنة

Static Burpee 04

قفزات البيربي

3 دقائق: أقصى عدد ممكن

Run 05


3 دقائق: أبعد مسافة ممكنة

Rowing 06

جهاز التجديف

3 دقائق: أبعد مسافة ممكنة

Static Lunges 07

اندفاعات ثابتة

3 دقائق: أقصى عدد ممكن

Wall Balls 08

كرات الحائط

3 دقائق: أقصى عدد ممكن

ما هو تحدي هايروكس 365؟

جيمنيشن وهايروكس يتعاونان مع دبي مصل شو وأكتف دبي لجمع مجتمع هايروكس في الإمارات في مكان واحد، مؤكدين مرة أخرى أن هايروكس هي رياضة للجميع.

نقدم لكم تحدي هايروكس 365— تمرين قياسي يجمع بين عناصر سباق هايروكس وبرامج تدريب هايروكس 365.

سواء كنت منافساً متمرساً في هايروكس أو ترغب في خوض تجربة هايروكس للمرة الأولى، فهذه الفعالية مناسبة للجميع.

هذه هي المرة الأولى التي يقام فيها تحدي هايروكس 365 على مستوى العالم. هل أنت مستعد لحدث تاريخي؟

انضم إلينا، واثبت للعالم أن #رياضتنا_هي_هايروكس!


سيقوم المشاركون بإكمال 8 محطات مختلفة، تتضمن كل محطة تمرين واحد فقط. في كل محطة، سيكون لديك 3 دقائق لتحقيق أقصى عدد من التكرارات أو أقصى مسافة في التمرين المحدد.

يجب تنفيذ التمارين بالترتيب المذكور أدناه. بعد كل محطة، يحصل المشاركون على دقيقة واحدة للانتقال إلى المحطة التالية.

محطات التمرين:

الجري: أقصى مسافة

جهاز التزلج: أقصى مسافة

دفع الزلاجة: أقصى مسافة

تمارين البيربي الثابتة: أقصى عدد من التكرارات

الجري: أقصى مسافة

جهاز التجديف: أقصى مسافة

الاندفاعات الثابتة: أقصى عدد من التكرارات

كرات الحائط: أقصى عدد من التكرارات

الوقت الإجمالي للتمرين هو 31 دقيقة (يشمل وقت الانتقال بين المحطات).

يجب على الأفراد إنهاء جميع المحطات بأنفسهم. أما في فئة الثنائي، فيجب على كلا العضوين المشاركة في كل محطة، لكن يمكنهم توزيع التكرارات والمسافات فيما بينهم حسب رغبتهم. لمشاهدة الحركات لكل محطة، يُرجى متابعة الفيديوهات الإرشادية في أسفل هذه الصفحة.


سيتم إعلان الجدول في 2025


في كل محطة من محطات التمرين، سيتم منحك نقاطاً بناءً على ترتيبك ضمن فئة الفردي أو الثنائي.

الهدف هو جمع أقل مجموع نقاط بنهاية التحدي.

على سبيل المثال، إذا حصلت على المركز الأول في محطة كرات الحائط، فستحصل على نقطة واحدة. كلما كان ترتيبك أعلى، كلما حصلت على نقاط أقل، ويكون الفائز هو الشخص الذي يحقق أقل مجموع نقاط.

وفي حال حدوث تعادل، سيتم تحديد الفائز استناداً إلى إجمالي المسافة المقطوعة في تمارين الجري، والتزلج، والتجديف.

1. Run Max Distance

2. SKIERG Max Distance

3. SLED PUSH Max Distance


5. RUN Max Distance

6. ROW Max Distance


8. WALL BALLS Max Reps

plus minus

What is the HYROX 365 Challenge?

GymNation and HYROX have joined forces with The Dubai Muscle & Active Show to unite the HYROX UAE community, proving once again that HYROX is a sport for everyone.

Introducing the HYROX 365 Challenge - a condensed, high-octane version of a full HYROX race that blends running and functional fitness into a dynamic community challenge. 

Whether you're a seasoned HYROX competitor or curious to experience the thrill of HYROX for the first time, this event has something for everyone.

This marks the world’s first-ever HYROX 365 Challenge. Are you eady to make history?

Join us, and show the world that #OURSPORTISHYROX!

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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Is this a real/full Hyrox event?

While we’ve partnered with HYROX to develop this competition format, this is not an official HYROX race.

For more information on upcoming full HYROX races and how to participate, please visit the official HYROX website.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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What fitness level do I need to be at to take part?

The HYROX 365 Challenge is designed to be accessible for a range of fitness levels, from beginners to more advanced athletes. While the challenge is physically demanding, you can pace yourself as required.

It’s important to have a basic level of fitness and be comfortable with functional training, running, and strength exercises, but there’s no requirement to be an elite athlete. The event is about pushing yourself and having fun, regardless of your current fitness level.

Please always consult your doctor before taking part in physical activity, especially if you have any medical conditions, are pregnant, or haven't exercised in a long time.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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What are the age requirements to take part?

Participants must be over the age of 16 on the day of the challenge, and just like in a full HYROX race there is no upper age limit to take part.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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Where is the location?

The HYROX 365 Challenge is hosted at The Dubai Muscle Show / Dubai Active Show from Friday 25th - Sunday 27th October at The Dubai Exhibition Centre, Expo City. The venue is accessible via metro and bus, and there is ample parking for those who want to drive.

Find the location on Google Maps here

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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Where do I go when I arrive at the venue?

The HYROX 365 Challenge area is located right in the centre of the main Dubai Muscle Show exhibition hall - Please ask event staff for directions if needed. Once you arrive, please head to the check in booth at the HYROX 365 Challenge area and our team will organise your check in.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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Can I take part in the singles and double division?

Absolutely! But you will need to register separately for each division on the registration page.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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How do I choose my time slot/more info on time slots.

When you register for HYROX 365 Challenge, you are able to select your time slot on the registration page. Time slots are available from 10.40am-6pm and will sell out on a first-come-first-served basis.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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What if I can’t make my time slot?

All registrations are non-refundable, however you can transfer your registration to another person.

If you can't make your time slot or need to transfer to another person, please email [email protected] and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

We must be notified for all transfers and time slot change requests by Tuesday 22nd October at 6pm, in order to give us enough time to finalise the start list.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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How does scoring work?

Each athlete will be assigned a judge at the start of their workout. This will be their judge throughout all workout stations.

For each workout station, you will be awarded points based on your ranking within the entire singles or doubles division.

The goal is to accumulate the lowest total score by the end of the event.

For example, if you place 1st overall in the Wall Balls station, you will receive 1 point. The higher your rank, the fewer points you earn, and the participants with the lowest overall score wins.

In case of a tie, the winner will be decided by the total distance accumulated in the run, ski, and row exercises.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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When will I find out my ranking?

The HYROX 365 Challenge 2024 results are available to view on: https://gymn.fit/HYROX365Leaderboard

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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What is included in the entry cost?

Your HYROX 365 Challenge entry costs includes full 3 day access to both The Dubai Muscle & Dubai Active Show. (Worth AED 145!)

All HYROX 365 Event Challenge finishers will also receive a limited edition HYROX 365 Challenge finisher patch, as well as the right to say that they participated in the world's first ever HYROX 365 Challenge!

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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What are the prizes?

In addition to prizes from event partners Myprotein, Red Bull and Built for Athletes, as well as exclusive FREE memberships to the NEW GymNation HYROX Performance Center, there will also be cash prizes available for the top 3 finishers within each division, split as below:

Men’s Singles:
1st place: AED 1500
2nd place: AED 1000
3rd place: AED 500

Ladies Singles:
1st place: AED 1500
2nd place: AED 1000
3rd place: AED 500

Men's Doubles
1st place: AED 1500
2nd place: AED 1000
3rd place: AED 500

Ladies Doubles:
1st place: AED 1500
2nd place: AED 1000
3rd place: AED 500

Mixed Doubles:
1st place: AED 1500
2nd place: AED 1000
3rd place: AED 500

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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Can my friends and family come and watch?

Of course! Everyone is welcome but anyone not competing will need to purchase tickets to The Dubai Muscle Show or The Dubai Active Show. They can use the code HYROX25 to secure 25% discount on their tickets.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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What do I need to bring?

We recommend you bring the following:

  • Valid ID: Required for registration
  • Your Free Dubai Muscle Show / Dubai Active Show digital ticket: Required for event entry
  • Comfortable workout gear: Wear breathable and moisture-wicking clothing suitable for high-intensity exercises.
  • Training shoes: Ensure your shoes are suitable for running and functional training.
  • Water bottle: Hydration is key, so bring your own bottle to stay hydrated throughout the event. There will be a free water station so that you can refill your bottle at the event.
  • Towel: For personal use post-workout.
  • Snacks or energy bars: To keep your energy levels up during and after the challenge.
  • Minimal personal belongings: As there is only a small area to store items, it's best to pack light.
  • The motivation to do your best!

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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Where can I leave my belongings?

There will be a small area located next to the registration kiosk where participants can leave their belongings while competing. Please note that space may be limited, so we recommend keeping your valuables to a minimum.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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Is there somewhere I can get changed?

You are also welcome to use the bathroom facilities available within The Dubai Muscle / Dubai Active Show.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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Are there showers on site?

Unfortunately there are not any shower facilities available at The Dubai Muscle / Dubai Active Show.

For any further event information, questions or support, please email:

[email protected].

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