Benefits of Quick Workouts

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Pressed for time when it comes to exercising?

Recent studies suggest that just a four-minute workout could be more effective than a 30-minute treadmill session. It might sound unbelievable, but fitness researchers affirm its validity.

Engaging in regular exercise enhances both physical and mental well-being. Yet, many adults fall short of the 150 minutes of moderate to intense weekly activity recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A study found in the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism evaluated various workout methods' fitness benefits.

Twenty-two women participated, divided into three groups. Group A engaged in 30 minutes of treadmill running at 85% of their peak heart rate.

Group B performed eight 20-second sessions of exercises like burpees and jumping jacks, interspersed with 10-second rest periods. Group C served as the control group and did no exercise.

For a month, the groups practiced these routines four times a week. Researchers assessed their aerobic fitness and exercise attitudes before and after the experiment.

After a month, both active groups experienced similar improvements in aerobic fitness, about seven to eight percent.

However, Group B, which followed the brief bodyweight exercise method, notably increased muscle endurance by 40 to 207 percent, enhancing both physical and muscle endurance.

Additionally, Group B exhibited a more positive attitude towards their bodyweight exercises, showing greater interest in maintaining the program than those on the treadmill.

The research underscores the benefits of swift workouts and whole-body movements, advocating them as essential to any fitness regimen, whether the goal is weight loss, improved fitness, or strength building.

Kyler Crouse, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) at Barton Performance, focuses on athletic performance training and extends personalized training and exercise routines to the Lake Tahoe community.


Source: tahoedailytribune


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