Why you Should Try Resistance Training?

Resistance Traning


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Resistance training or weight lifting is the art of utilizing dumbbells, bars, kettle bells, bands, machines, and pretty much anything else you can think of to increase the size and/or strength of your muscles. By applying resistance to your muscles with a weight of some nature you can achieve some pretty wonderful things however it’s not all about just getting big and strong.


So what else is there? Why else would you lift weights? Why resist?


Some people look to endless hours of pavement pounding in an attempt to burn off those love handles and look better naked whilst others will diet themselves into the ground however, it truly is all about the iron if you are looking to change the way you look and perform. Cardio-respiratory fitness has some positive impact on body composition however, studies have proven time and time again that resistance training has a far greater impact on the musculoskeletal system whilst contributing to the maintenance of functional abilities. Recent studies have also shown that resistance training may help to protect against nasty health risk factors such as insulin resistance, low resting metabolic rate, low/slow glucose metabolism, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.


Studies have additionally indicated that most of the benefits of resistance training are likely to be obtained in just two short training sessions a week.


 Intelligent resistance training involves controlled movements for each muscle group in an isolated manner such as bicep curls and lateral lifts or compound lifting that targets the whole body such as the squat and deadlift. The major benefits of resistance training are however far more than bigger biceps and a heavier squat. The hidden and lesser know benefits can be seen listed below.


Increases HDL - High Density Lipoprotein (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL - Low Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol).


Confused? Don’t worry, all this means is that you are going to be a much healthier human being once you’ve embraced the iron. 


  • Reduces risk of diabetes.
  • Lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Lower high blood pressure.
  • Lowers risk of breast cancer.


This is due to resistance training potentially reducing high estrogen levels linked to the disease. 


  • Decreases or minimizes risk of osteoporosis by building bone mass.


This means that your skeleton will be much stronger as well as your muscles after you have commenced a resistance training routine.


  • Reduces symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Decreases colds and illness. 
  • Increased muscle strength, power, endurance and size.
  • Enhanced performance of everyday tasks


You will be able to do everyday tasks like lifting, carrying and walking up stairs with greater ease.


  • Likelihood Of Injury


Strong muscles, tendons and ligaments are less likely to give way under stress and are less likely to be injured. Increased bone density and strength reduces back and knee pain by building muscle around these areas.


  • Boosted metabolism (which means burning more calories when at rest).
  • Reduced body fat


You will gain muscle and lose fat. The conditioning effect will result in firmer and better-defined muscles.