Whatever your fitness goals rest assured that here at GymNation we’ve got the latest generation equipment by MATRIX to get you there, over 500 pieces of kit to be precise! Best of all, our exercise machines are super-green: 70% use no electricity at all – they’re powered by you.


Don’t forget, if you need a quick demo of any of the machines or equipment at any point, all you have to do is ask and one of our Personal Trainers will be happy to show you.


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Cardio Machines

If you are looking for the best cardio machine to burn fat at the gym, use the top cardio machines at GymNation. Cardio exercises are key for fitness, whether training for a marathon or keeping fit. GymNation offers machines for all fitness goals.

Each machine targets different muscle groups and challenges your heart in unique ways. Treadmills are great for runners, ellipticals offer a low-impact full-body workout, and rowing machines provide a full-body session that boosts endurance.

The stair climber is one of the best for fat loss, targeting glutes, thighs, and calves, and burning a lot of calories. It's great for weight loss and heart health. Adding these machines to your routine ensures a well-rounded fitness approach, helping you meet your goals efficiently.

T50x Treadmill
T50x Treadmill
T50X Treadmill
C3x Climbmill
C3x Climbmill
S1x Stepper
S1x Stepper
E1x Elliptical
E1x Elliptical
R1x Recumbent Cycle
R1x Recumbent cycle
Rowing machine
Rowing machine
S Drive Trainer
S Drive Trainer
Stages Indoor Cycle
Stages SC3 Indoor-Cycle
U1x Upright Cycle
U1x Upright Cycle
Xbox Assault Bike
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Strength machines

Triceps, biceps... even your gluteus maximus. Whatever muscle group you want to work on, we’ve got just the right equipment to give your weight training a lift.


Our weight machines are designed to isolate certain muscle groups while giving you the support you need to get the most from your workout. You’ll find a machine to help you flex every major muscle group in your body.

Functional Trainer
Chest Press
Chest Press
5 Stack Multistation
5 stack Multistation
Abdominal Crunch
Abdominal Crunch
Arm Crul
Arm Curl
Back Extension
Back extension
Claf Press
Calf Press
Dip Chin Assist
Dip Chin Assist
Divering Lat Pulldown
Divering lat pulldown
Divering Seated Row
Divering Seated Row
Functional Trainer
Functional Trainer
Hip Abductor
Hip Abductor
Hip Abductor
Hip Abductor
Lat Pulldown
Lat Pulldown
Lateral Raise
Lateral Raise
Leg Extension
Leg extension
Leg Press
Leg Press
Prone Leg Crul
Prone Leg Curl
Rear Delt Fly
Rear Delt- Fly
Seated Leg Crul
Seated Leg Curl
Shoulder Press
Shoulder Press
Triceps Extension
Triceps extension
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Free Weights

Free weights are great if you want to concentrate on a certain area of your body. They give you more freedom of movement, and are great for building core strength, balance and a sculpted physique. If you haven’t used free weights before or need a few pointers to check you’re doing it right, just ask.


Whether it’s a leg day (only for the brave!) or an arm day, you’ll always find the right equipment here.

10 Pair Dummble Rack
Double Mega Power Rack
Double Mega Power rack
10 Pair Dummble Rack
Dumbbells racks
Adjustable Decline Bench
10 x Adjustable Decline Bench
Barbell Rack
Barbell Rack
Glute Ham Bench
Glute ham bench
Hack Squat
Hack Squat
Leg Press
Leg Press
Multi Adjustable Bench
Multi Adjustable bench
Olmpiya Decline Bench
Olympia Decline Bench
Olpiya Incline Becnch
Olympia Incline Bench
Olpmpiya Flat Bench
Olympia Flat Bench
Pl Inclline Bench Press
PL-Incline bench press
Pl Seated Row
PL-Seated row
Pl Shoulder Press
PL-Shoulder press
Pl Supine Bench
PL-Supine bench
Powre Station
Power Station
Precher Crul
Preacher Curl
Smith Machine
Smith Machine
Squat Lounge
Squat Lounge
Standing Arm Crul
Standing Arm Curl
Standing Claf
Standing Calf
Utility Bench
Utility Bench
Vkr With Chain
Vkr with chain
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