Squeezing in time for a workout isn’t always easy in a work, family, or school balancing act — but fitness pros explain that making exercise a priority provides both physical and mental health benefits. 

The advantages of early workouts range from boosting your energy to getting a positive mindset to benefiting from prolonged health benefits including better sleep quality. 

First, though, to fuel a workout, Dr. Matt Tanneberg, a chiropractor and certified strength and conditioning specialist in Scottsdale, Arizona, suggested a small amount of "good carbs" and fat such as a banana with almond butter. 


1. Morning exercise improves your mental mood

Engaging in morning exercise can significantly enhance your workday productivity, said Ashley Castleberry, a NASM-certified personal trainer and nutrition coach from tgffitness.com in Brandon, Florida. 

"Early workouts trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators, leading to improved mood and mental clarity throughout the day," Castleberry told Fox News Digital.  

A research study from the University of Bristol revealed that employees who exercised before going to work or during lunch breaks were better equipped to handle the challenges of the day.

2. Morning exercise boosts your energy

Morning exercise may also provide sustained energy levels. 

"This metabolic kick-start helps in maintaining consistent energy, reducing the midday slump many experience," Castleberry added.  

A "metabolic kick-start helps in maintaining consistent energy, reducing the midday slump many experience." 

Similarly, Daniel Castillo, a licensed personal trainer with BokeyFit.com, based in McKinney, Texas, agreed that a morning workout time is best. 

"Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, which boost energy levels and enhance mood," Castillo told Fox News Digital. 

"Morning workouts can provide a natural energy boost, helping you feel more awake and alert during work."

3. Morning exercise improves your focus and cognitive function

Exercise first thing in the morning can enhance your attention, decision-making, and memory and may provide a shaped mind to tackle your workday, said Castillo. 

In addition, mental clarity can boost productivity and mental stamina, experts said.

4. Morning exercise can lead to better sleep quality

We know how a good night’s sleep is crucial for cognitive function, mental stamina, and energy during your workday.  

A recent study included in the Exercise Sport Science Review revealed that morning exercise can promote both a better circadian rhythm and improved sleep quality.

5. Morning exercise promotes self-confidence

Morning exercise has not only been proven to boost your energy — but it can support a positive mood. 

‘We all feel better and 'accomplished' after we exercise," said Dr. Tanneberg. 

"When we start the day off with a big 'to-do' already accomplished in getting through a workout, you can take your extra energy boost and apply that to your work and the rest of your day."

And, according to personal trainer Castleberry, post-exercise, eat a balanced meal with proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs, such as scrambled eggs with avocado on whole grain toast.


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