Getting well fit at GymNation

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It’s vital for anyone in today’s world to bear their health in mind, to actively, mindfully seek to improve it. Sedentary lifestyles and an overabundance of cheap, sugary, fatty foods makes it essential – the risks of not doing so are severe, including a heightened risk factor across a plethora of chronic diseases and ailments.


Fitness plays a crucial role in maintaining health. Regularly taking part in exercise can:


  • Improve your mood
  • Give you more energy
  • Lead to improved cognitive function
  • Help you to overcome symptoms of stress and depression
  • Lead to better sleep
  • Help you to manage pain
  • Lead to a stronger immune system
  • Improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system functions
  • Improve your libido
  • Keep your muscles and bones healthy and functioning
  • Reduce your risk of suffering a multitude of chronic diseases, like heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • Help you to maintain a healthy weight
  • Improve your mobility and flexibility


These are just a few of the top benefits of putting your fitness first and getting – and staying – fit.


Joining your local gym can represent one of the easiest ways to begin working on your fitness. You will access to their full class timetable, giving you expert run sessions through a variety of different disciplines (you need never get bored!) They will have all of the equipment you need, will be a dedicated shrine to your own personal fitness journey, will be full of like-minded people, and will expert coaches and trainers on hand to offer advice.


There are a few reasons that often make training at a gym the best bet for anybody looking to get well fit:


  • Accountability
  • Safety
  • Expertise
  • Variety
  • Company
  • Comfort



Finding the right gym in Dubai


Getting the right gym is central to your fitness journey – it can go a long way towards making or breaking your success story.


Whatever your goals, requirements and tastes, there will be a nearby gym for you. Whether you’re looking for weight loss, bodybuilding, aerobics classes, yoga, personal training, or other any of the many fitness classes and styles catered for by gyms throughout the city, you will be able to find what you’re looking for.


Luckily for anybody in Dubai, there are plenty of good gyms and leisure centres to choose from in the city, from the raw to the sublime, from hardcore training to pampering luxury, from elite facilities to places that welcome newcomers to the fitness world.


I personally have a few favourites dotted around the city. However, there are a few, run by a single chain, that stand out. I would always go with GymNation, who expertly mix economy with good-quality, offering world-class equipment and hosting top-notch trainers and classes.



GymNation are the UAE’s most affordable and flexible gym group. Their memberships start at just AED99 per month and come with no-contract-cancel-anytime membership options. They keep their memberships affordable and their customers in control in order to maintain venues that friendly, inclusive and hospitable.


Their gyms are welcoming spaces where a policy of no-judgments is actively sought out and created. They are truly committed to supporting everyone who walks through their doors, and they regularly cater to complete beginners and elite athletes alike.


GymNation are passionate about supporting everyone, from absolute beginners (a full third of their clientele are first-time gym users) to advanced athletes, as they work towards their health and fitness goals. This is why they keep their memberships affordable and their customers’ control, and why they keep their venues friendly and welcoming.


GymNation’s goal is to be ‘the peoples’ gym’: they work hard to make sure everybody in the UAE has an affordable and welcoming gym option with the best fitness classes on offer.

Theirs are also some of the largest gym facilities in the UAE. Their flagship venue is a 45,000-square-foot space that feels cool and modern with an urban, industrial edge.

It hosts a spinning studio, a treadmill room, a boxing ring, a free-weights area, and three separate studios for classes. GymNation’s venues come with state-of-the-art Matrix gym equipment, and they also offer virtual, on-demand classes, giving you a degree of flexibility over your training and allowing you to take back control.


GymNation also offer over 200 free classes per month and boast a separate ladies-only gym and studio. They are open 24/7 and, to top it off, you can also choose to work out via the on-demand virtual-reality classes, whereby you can select any class, time, and workout and follow the guidance of an instructor on screen.


If you want to begin putting your health and fitness first, try giving GymNation a call. They may be your best bet to creating a happier, stronger you.