Personal Training - Dubai

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You may have wondered whether a personal trainer is for you. Maybe you feel like you can go it alone just by using the gym equipment or joining some group fitness classes or maybe you are intimidated and don’t feel like you are good enough to hire a personal trainer. This is a common mistake made by many, who don’t understand the difference personal training can make to their fitness regime.

Whether you are a beginner at fitness or someone who has been training for years, a personal trainer can help you to reach your personal goals faster.

They can help set you up on a journey that will assist you to find joy and success with a workout routine and build an exercise plan that is right for your personal needs.


Why do I Need a Personal Trainer?

· Expert Advice – The internet is full of people sharing their ideas about fitness. Some will be qualified but others may just be enthusiastic. The problem is that their advice can be conflicting and by dabbling in bits of one and bits of another you can end up not being highly effective. A certified personal trainer will offer you advice personalised to your needs, and they will help you to achieve your goals.


· SafetyCertified Personal Trainers will ensure that you get personalised advice and guidance. They can encourage you to safely try new things, but they will understand your limits based on your current health, experience and goals. They can consider any injuries, illnesses or conditions that may make training difficult and adapt routines to meet your own needs. On the other hand, they will push you to overcome your mental barriers that prevent you from achieving.


· Accountability and Motivation – Having a PT will make you turn up when you should and more importantly, they wont let you slack during your routine. Rather than simply going through the motions they will encourage you to get the most out of every workout and help you achieve your goals. They will stop you stagnating and continue to push you to work harder as your fitness level improves.


· Variety – By setting you a personalised program, a PT will ensure that your workouts are not boring. They can work on all aspects of your fitness and bring new ideas to your routine to help you move forward without getting bored.


· Making the most of your time – Knowing your schedule they can develop a program that works towards extremely specific targets that are achievable but challenging. A PT will make each workout as effective as possible and save you from wasting hours at the gym that turn out to be unproductive.


· Support – Getting fitter is not easy. There are many barriers to being fit that have nothing to do with exercise but are more to do with attitude, personal experiences and mental health. They can support you with your diet, your difficulties and help keep you on track and make you feel more positive about your journey.


How do I Choose a Personal Trainer?

Finding a personal trainer in Dubai is not difficult as there are so many certified trainers working across the region but choosing the right one for you is more difficult. You need to think about what you are looking for in a trainer before making a decision. Getting the right person can make a world of difference to your success. You want to know that you are getting value for your investment, and you will want to see visible results. There are a few things that can help narrow down your choices.


· Goals – First think about why you want to work with a personal trainer. Are you looking to lose weight, gain muscle or improve your technique? Starting out with some targets will help you to pick a personal trainer that has experience in your area and can work with you to achieve specific goals.


· Questions – You want a PT that asks lots of questions to get to know about your history. They will need to know about your previous experiences, your health, injuries, your routine and lifestyle so that they can set your program to help you achieve success. The whole point is that their advice should be personalised, and they can’t do that if they don’t get to know you first.


· Nutrition – A PT who can also advise you about your eating habits will help you to achieve your goals faster. Being able to give you some guidance on your eating habits and help you improve your nutrition, can make a big difference to your success. Sometimes their suggestions will make a big difference to your results.


· Realistic – It is better to work with a personal trainer who sets SMART targets that are achievable. Its no good promising you impossibly fast results that set you up to fail. Although the goals should be a challenge, it’s far better to be able to work towards them and experience success.


· Rapport – You want to get along with your personal trainer and have some respect for their advice. If they are good at listening to you, they are more likely to be able to help you overcome your barriers and achieve your goals. Understanding what is hard for you rather than shouting is far more effective in motivating you to change and improve.


· Qualifications – You want to know that a personal trainer is fully certified and qualified to offer you advice and support you with your program.


At GymNation, the most affordable and flexible gym in Dubai, you will find personal trainers who are world class.

With their passion for providing support to people whatever their level of fitness you will be able to work with someone who has the experience to set your goals and devise a program that they can support you to achieve.

With some of the best personal trainers in Dubai, GymNation is a great place to start improving your fitness.

They offer a warm, friendly welcome to everyone and it’s a great place to start or continue your fitness experience.