Proven hacks to get success with your fitness regime

It's time to vamp up your training by taking advantage of all the amazing fitness club offers that are on at the moment! Fitness regimes aren’t always easy to stick to and you might be thinking ‘do I have a gym instructor near me, if not how can I reach my goals?’ There can be so many factors in place that can push you away from your daily or weekly fitness goals. I understand how modern living can sometimes get in the way of things, but on the other hand, it can be modern living that enables you to completely obliterate your fitness regime and goals. Instead of feeling like the world is working against you I’d like to show you that it's really not the case.
In fact, there are so many wonderful hacks to get success with your fitness regime so let's wipe the slate clean, start fresh and keep you on the path to success.
First things first, you’ve signed up to a new gym with a great fitness club offer, so what do you do next? GOALS! Without a goal what can you work towards?
Setting goals is extremely important when it comes to staying on track with your fitness routines. Getting help from a gym instructor near me is also a great idea if you need help setting your goals. Goals will keep your focus on the end result and keep you motivated. Using the SMART principle you can devise a set of short, medium and long-term goals. A short-term example might be to run a mile in 4 weeks, a medium term example might be to run 2 miles after 8 weeks and a long-term goal might be to enter a half marathon after 6 months. So set yourself some short, medium and long term goals based on the below principles:
SPECIFIC – What specifically do you want to achieve?
MEASURABLE – How can you measure your progress towards your goal?
ACHIEVABLE – When/ how do you want to achieve it?
REALISTIC – Is the time frame realistic?
TIME BASED – How long are you giving yourself to reach this goal?
Organising how you want to achieve your goal will keep your head in the game and keep you focused on what you need to do to keep on top of your fitness regime.
Wearable Technology
How about bringing your fitness regime into the 21st century? The best thing to come out of the recent years inventions is wearable fitness technology! Fitness tracking just became interesting! You can invest in a vast array of fitness trackers and devices to tell you everything you need to know about your workouts, how well you are doing and how your body is reacting. No need to second-guess anymore! You can track your progress during a workout, schedule workouts and even see how your body is improving. Wearable technology can help to keep you motivated; it also holds you accountable for your own fitness regime.
Fitness trackers can also offer you free workout ideas and tips if you are feeling a little flat. If you feel as though your “get up and go” has got up and gone then maybe it's just what you need!
Mix it up and get a Workout Diary
A workout diary is a fantastic way to plan your workouts and eliminate the chances of getting bored. Preparation is the key to success and the plentiful ways you can exercise are limitless! You can take part in live-stream classes online, use exercise DVD’s, enjoy the great outdoors, go to the gym or take part in local fitness classes. The possibilities are endless so why not write down and plan ahead what you fancy doing for the month? There’s nothing wrong with being organised and it will help to keep your motivation levels high!
Also, if you have written down your exercise commitments in your diary then if anyone asks you to do something you can work around it.
Rely Only on Yourself
A hard lesson I learned when embarking upon my own fitness journey was to not rely on others. Other people will only let you down and likely kill your motivation if they constantly let you down. Deciding when is convenient for you to workout is the best way! Be it a Tuesday morning or Friday evening whenever is best for you is the time to do it. Always schedule in your allocated slots for your exercises every week and let nothing get in your way. If it's convenient for a friend to join in then fine, just don’t rely on them coming. Clubs are a great way to enjoy fitness on a regular basis so why not think about joining a fitness club or class and committing to a month's worth of classes or so? Anything that cements you down is a great way to stay on track!
Look Good Feel Good
If you look good you feel good! It may only be a small point but I find that if my motivation is lacking then a good thing I do to pick myself up a little is to purchase some new workout clothing. Nothing feels better than a nice pair of new running leggings or a fresh new hoodie! Sometimes it’s just the little things but looking at your old workout jumper and worn out joggers can feel very uninspiring!
Reward Yourself
Last but not least, make sure you reward yourself! If you follow a good eating regime throughout the week with an accompanying healthy eating lifestyle you deserve a treat! Set aside a weekend or weekday where you have some of your time, relax and treat yourself to whatever you want. Indulge in that naughty meal. A cheat day will keep you focused on your goal and will ensure you always have something to look forward to!
Getting into the swing of a fitness regime isn’t always easy but if you follow the above tips you can definitely give yourself a better chance of succeeding!